Sunday, November 30, 2008

First Snowfall of the Season

The long awaited first snow fall of the season is finally upon us. I had a craft show yesterday and Brandon stayed home with the kids. He helped them get all bundled up to play in the snow and even got some great pictures. Way to go Brandon! A true bloggers husband.

Estes Park Parade of Lights

Friday afternoon, after much Christmas shopping early in the morning we decided to drive to Estes Park with our good frieds the Stocktons to see the parade of lights.
IT WAS COLD! But we prepared ourselves as best we could and braved the elements to see the parade. It was all worth it because at the end of the parade was... you guessed it. Santa Clause! Sydnee was worried he might not be there but he made it she had the best seat in house to see him. Right on my lap! Thanks Stockton's again for another fun filled activity.

Rock Band 2

After dinner we decided to play some Rock Band. We had an all girl band because the boys were playing pool. We had fun and rocked out some pretty good songs!

Clean Up, Clean Up, Everybody, everywhere...

After dinner the girls talked the boys into doing the dishes. They did pretty good job had really had some good teamwork. Way to go boys. They even did it with a smile!

Granny was a litle warn out so she decided to just finish herself off by finishing off the bottle of sparkeling cyder. Poor Granny!

Syd was pretty toasted the end of the day too.

Thanksgiving Day

We all have so many things to be thankful for. One of the things that I am thankful for the most is my family. Including my kids and husband and my extended family. We were able to go to my sisters house this year for Turkey dinner. We had a fabulous time and ate way too much. Everything was delicious. My mom did a good job teaching all us girls to be pretty darn good cooks. My job was the Sulley traditional pasta and sause as well as the rolls. I also made a yummy pumpkin bars receipe. Pretty yummy!

Livy helped get things started first thing in the morning by helping get the rolls out of the freezer and setting them in the pan. She loves to help in kitchen just like her sister. Thank goodness Sydnee was still sleeping!

We had to get a quick picture with Spencer before he left for the weekend to go to his dads. He was planning on dinner with us but things changed right at the last minute. The kids were sad to see him go.

We forgot a bib for Olivia so we did the old stand by. Just take off her shirt.

Colby enjoying his very own turkey leg!

Readers Theatre

After Brandon's foot surgery he was home for a few days. He was able to go with us to Colby's First Grade Readers Theatre. He wrote a story about going duck hunting with his dad. It was pretty cute, and the details this boy remembers is amazing. I wanted to share the story he wrote too but he said his teacher wont let them bring home the story until the end of the year. Oh well.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Joe's Crab Shack

We went to dinner with our favorite people the Stockton's last night. Ellis thought it would be a good idea to let me choose were we go. Don't ask me why but I chose Joe's Crab Shack. I don't eat fish of any kind (hence the chicken caeser salad)so I have no clue where that came from but never the less we had a great time and the kids loved the atmosphere. Thanks Joy and Ellis! We had great time and always love to play with you guys!

You got love the bibs, even on the BIG kids!


Brandon took the kids to the BYU vs. AIRFORCE game yesterday.I had another craft show so I was not able to go. They got there just before kick off but were in time to see the jets fly over the stadium. The kids really liked that. They were seated in the general admission section which Brandon said was pretty crouded so they moved up a section and had lots of room for the kids to fun around. They only stayed until half time was over and then they left. They figured Air Force was winning and the kids had had evough they they decided to leave. Little did they know BYU would come back and win! GO COUGARS! See what devoted BYU fans we are. Colby has on his Rockies had, Sydnee is wearing her Broncos hat and Brandon has on his Avalanche hoodie. By the way my craft show was pretty good too in case you were wondering HEHE!

Daphnie the Huntin' Dog

Friday evening Brandon took Colby duck hunting along with his friends Mike and Clark. Brandon seemed to have pretty good success and dropped 3 ducks on the first shot! He was pretty proud and his buddy were pretty jealous. Daphnie on the other hand did not have such a great day. Brandon's not sure what happened but somehow she cut her ear. When they got back to town he wasn't sure if she need stitches or not and if so it was going to cost a ton to have a vet do that after hours on Friday night. We decided to call our home teacher. He happens to be a dentist. Well, home teachers always ask if there is something they can do to help and we finally had something only he could do. He came over to our friends house and stiched up her ear.
We truely have the best home teacher in the world. He obviousely is not a vet but he did a pretty good job and we were very grateful for his service. Thanks John!

Then our friend Ann (who by the way has more talents than one person should be allowed) sewed her a cone out of material so she would not be able to get to it with her paw and rip out the stitches. Daphnie looks pretty stylin' don't ya think and Ann may have something going there. She should marked those to Petsmart for other dogs and cats! Thanks Ann for the great cone!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Super Saturday in Elizabeth ,Co

I had an amazing time in Elizabeth, Colo. today with my friend Christina Brinkworth. In case you don't know where that is, it's east of Castle Rock a long way. I felt like I drove to Grand Jct. and back today. HeHe! She invited me to come to her wards Super Saturday with some vinyl for the sisters in her ward to make. I sold everything I took and even all the extras I made. Good thing I took extras.
Here are some of the things the sisters were able to make:
Some happy crafters enjoying an easy craft project;
One sister bought these amazing frames to put her daughters last name on. I just love the way this frame turned out. I asked her if I could take a couple pictures of it for my website. Which by the way isj ust about done! YEAH!
My friend Christina and me at the end of a fun filled day!
Ok, Christina is alot taller then I am so I thought for once I would be taller than her. I, of course had to stand on a chair. Go figure! Thanks Christina for inviting me to your Super Saturday. I had a blast!

Anyone up for bowling?

So I spent all day on Friday cooking homemade beans for dinner when Brandon came in and said "Let's go bowling or something". Well forget the beans they will keep for Sunday. So we went bowling with our friends the Hanson's and had a great time. Even Olivia got in the action as you will see... she was pretty darn cute!
Spencer thinkin he's too cool for the rest of us.
Little O' bowling for the first time.
Too proud Syd!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Brandon's Hunting Trip

Finally the long awaited pictures of Brandon's hunting trip. For those of you who have not heard yet they got a cow elk. From the sounds of things when he called me that day they were pretty excited about it. They went on the trip with the agreement to share whatever they got. So they split this old gal three ways. As much as I really didn't want him to get anything, I am glad we have some meat in our freezer for the winter.

Clark's 4 wheeler loaded down with all the meat.
Bessie the Elk Cow
Brandon waiting patiently for something to wonder by to shoot, or someone to come by with a camara... which ever comes first!
Mike and Clark with old Bessie
Brandon looking pretty cold
A beatiful meadow. What a site to see out in the middle of nowhere.

Brandon and Clark with Bessie. Poor Bessie. I'm sure she'll make some good jerkey and pepperoni!