Sunday, November 16, 2008

Daphnie the Huntin' Dog

Friday evening Brandon took Colby duck hunting along with his friends Mike and Clark. Brandon seemed to have pretty good success and dropped 3 ducks on the first shot! He was pretty proud and his buddy were pretty jealous. Daphnie on the other hand did not have such a great day. Brandon's not sure what happened but somehow she cut her ear. When they got back to town he wasn't sure if she need stitches or not and if so it was going to cost a ton to have a vet do that after hours on Friday night. We decided to call our home teacher. He happens to be a dentist. Well, home teachers always ask if there is something they can do to help and we finally had something only he could do. He came over to our friends house and stiched up her ear.
We truely have the best home teacher in the world. He obviousely is not a vet but he did a pretty good job and we were very grateful for his service. Thanks John!

Then our friend Ann (who by the way has more talents than one person should be allowed) sewed her a cone out of material so she would not be able to get to it with her paw and rip out the stitches. Daphnie looks pretty stylin' don't ya think and Ann may have something going there. She should marked those to Petsmart for other dogs and cats! Thanks Ann for the great cone!


Alanya/Ally said...

Tell Daphnie I feel for her. I had 14 stitches in my ear last New Years Eve. It hurts!!! Hope she heals quickly. said...

Poor Daphie, Colby was telling me about this on the phone too. You guys live pretty wild over there. Nice to have home teachers that actually come to your aid. I'm so impressed with this. Love ya Grandma Great.