Monday, October 27, 2008

1st Grade Parent/Teacher Conferences

Well, Colby had his first offical Parent/Teacher conference today for 1st grade. We could not be prouder of out "little" man. His teacher says he is just such a joy to have in her class. There seems to be alot of "drama" in his class with the BOYS. Go figure. She said Colby never has any part of that and is always a good example to them of how to behave. Whatever they are doing at school seems to work well for him at home. He seems to be quite a different little boy at home these days too. Very resposible and self- motivating. Pretty nice for a change. Anyway, daddy was pretty proud of his boy with straight A's and decided to take him to get a book at the book fair at school. Well, that soon turned into 4 books. Which is just fine because he seems to be a great reader and writer these days too. It sure is nice to hear such great things about your kids from other people. Especially someone who spends just as much time with him if not more.

1 comment: said...

I am very proud of you Colby. I always knew deep in my heart that you could amount to somthing very special. You are a child of God and belong to me also. Grandpa G and I love you very much and miss seeing you in person. Pictures will have to do now. Love GG