Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Summer Olympics 20??

Here's an ode to our little gymnast. Sydnee is doing a gymnastics class at the local Rec Center. They have a great gym. She loves doing gymnastics once she is there. It's quite a fight to get her there sometimes and even when we do get there its still a fight. You see, they have the girls run around the floor area a few times before they start to stretch and she "hates" that part.
Once that part is done she will willingly participate and with a smile. She loves and bars and the beam the best so far. She is so flexible I couldn't help but put her in gymnastics. And in her little leotard she even looks like one. For now as long as this gets her more involved and teaches her its OK to be without mom for a little while, that's all I ask! Have fun, Syd!


Dawn said...

she looks so darn cute doing her thing

Shauna said...

Way to go Sydnee. What a cutie pie!

Allison said...

Wow! I am glad you commented on my blog. It is so fun to see your little family so grown up. Yikes! It has been too long. I am glad for blogs to feel like you are at least somewhat in the loop even though we might be far away. And I replied to your comment on my blog, but in case you don't see it, feel free to call me Allison. Always. I still answer to it and love the name!